
Official agents can be installed from code or from pre-built binaries as described below.

Docker images are also provided but mainly meant as an experimentation tool. Access to the datastore process and file system will be needed for some features to work and container isolation will interfere with them.

1. Install

From pre-built binaries

Pre-built binaries are helpful for users to get up and running quickly. Unfortunately they require a great deal of effort from the community to be available for all popular distributions that people my want to use. The Replicante Community cannot afford to provide pre-built binaries for all popular Linux distributions at this stage but we do want to provide something to make things easier on people.

Pre-built binaries are available but they may not work for your system, in which case we suggest you use an alternative install method.

# Grab the binaries for the version of your choice from GitHub:

# Verify the integrity of the binaries:
sha256sum --check checksum.txt

# Unpack the kafka agent:
mkdir -p kafka
pushd kafka
tar --extract --file ../replicante-agent-kafka.tar.gz-linux-64bits

# Verify the binaries work:
mv replicante-agent-mongodb-linux-64bits replicante-agent-mongodb
mv replicante-agent-zookeeper-linux-64bits replicante-agent-zookeeper
chmod +x replicante-agent-mongodb replicante-agent-zookeeper
./replicante-agent-mongodb --version
./replicante-agent-zookeeper --version
# NOTE: the kafka agent needs access to JVM libraries.
kafka/replicante-agent-kafka --version

From code

The following instructions where executed on a clean Fedora 31 install but should work for any Linux system:

# Install needed tools and dependencies.
dnf install cmake gcc git make openssl-devel

# Install rust and cargo with rustup.
curl -sSf | sh
source $HOME/.cargo/env

# Get the code and compile replicante.
git clone --recursive
cd agents/
# To install a specific VERSION uncomment the command below.
# By default the latest DEVELOPMENT version is compiled.
# Production users should instead switch to the latest STABLE release.
#git checkout v<VERSION>
cargo build --release --manifest-path agents/kafka/Cargo.toml
cargo build --release --manifest-path agents/mongodb/Cargo.toml
cargo build --release --manifest-path agents/zookeeper/Cargo.toml

# Ensure the built binaries work.
agents/kafka/target/release/replicante-agent-kafka --version
agents/mongodb/target/release/replicante-agent-mongodb --version
agents/zookeeper/target/release/replicante-agent-zookeeper --version

You can now install the desired agents by copying the build target to your preferred location.

With Docker

Docker images with the officail agents pre-compiled are also available.

To check the image works as expected:

docker pull replicanteio/agent-kafka:v0
docker run --rm -it replicanteio/agent-kafka:v0 replicante-agent-kafka --version

docker pull replicanteio/agents:v0
docker run --rm -it replicanteio/agents:v0 replicante-agent-mongodb --version
docker run --rm -it replicanteio/agents:v0 replicante-agent-zookeeper --version