API Reference

Alpha state disclaimer

The specification defined below is in early development cycle and is subject to (potentially breaking) change.


The Agents specification defines an interface to access attributes and behaviours. This is required for the specification to be usable as part of a larger ecosystem.

The Agents interface is provided as an HTTP(S) JSON API. Agents are required to provide interface over HTTP(S) but may choose to provide the same interface over other protocols.

The interface is defined in terms of:

  • Data models: the objects passed between clients and server.
  • API endpoints: the channel to interact with agents.

Data Models

Agent Action Executions

Action executions have the following set of properties:

  • args: Arguments passed to the action when it was created.
  • created_time: Time the action was first created.
    An action execution may be created in systems other then Agents (such as Core). In such cases the created_time is the time the action execution was created in the system other then the Agent (such as Core) and is passed to Agents.
  • finished_time: Time the action entered a final state, for finished actions only.
  • id: Unique ID of the action execution.
  • kind: Identifier of the action implementation to execute.
  • metadata: Unstructured metadata attached to the action when it was created.
  • scheduled_time: Time the agent recorded the action execution in its own store.
  • state: Nested object with the current state of an Agent Action execution.
    • state.error: Loosely structured information for any error encountered during action execution.
    • state.payload: Scratch pad for action implementations to keep track of how they are processing.
    • state.phase: Current phase of the action execution process.

The action state.phase attribute indicates at which point of the lifecycle the action is:

Action state transitions
Action state transitions

The state.phases are as follows:

  • NEW: all actions start of in the NEW state when they are scheduled.
  • RUNNING: when a NEW action is picked up for execution and started, it enters the RUNNING state. RUNNING actions can transition from RUNNING to RUNNING, when this happen their state_payload may change.
  • DONE: the agent completed execution of the action successfully.
  • FAILED: the action encountered an error or was otherwise unable to transition the system to the desired state.

The requester is one of:

  • AGENT_API: action requested over the Agent API.
  • CORE_API: action requested over the Replicante Core API.
  • CORE_PLAYBOOK: action requested by Replicante Core as part of a playbook.
  • CORE_DECLARATIVE: action requested by Replicante Core while converging a declarative cluster.

Date and time format

Any date or time returned or receiver by the agent API MUST be in UTC.
The Agent API MUST expose dates and times as RFC 3339 encoded strings.

API Reference

Information Endpoints

Returns information about the Node

The following information MUST be included in the response:

  • agent_version information:
    • Version number: the SemVer agent version.
    • Version control checkout: VCS ID of the agent code that is running.
    • Version control taint status: indicates uncommitted changes to the code.
  • attributes: map of attributes based on information available even without the store process.
  • node_id: identifier of the node, as reported by the Platform provider the node is running on.
  • node_status: the current status of the node (as enumerated in the Attributes specification).
  • store_id: identifier of the store software running on the node.
  • store_version:
    • Version number: the SemVer agent version.
    • Version control checkout: VCS ID of the agent code that is running.
    • extra information: store specific additional version information.


  "agent_version": {
    "number": "0.1.0",
    "checkout": "11a24d9c3940f60e527c571680d64e80e0889abe",
    "taint": "not tainted"
  "attributes": {
    "client.agent.replicante.io/port": 1234,
    "client.agent.replicante.io/address": "instance.persistence.com",
  "node_id": "i-123456",
  "node_status": "JOINING_CLUSTER",
  "store_id": "mongodb/rs",
  "store_version": {
    "number": "5.0.15",
    "checkout": "935639beed3d0c19c2551c93854b831107c0b118",
    "extra": null
Returns information about the Store process

The following information MUST be included in the response:

  • cluster_id: store determined cluster identifier.
  • attributes: map of attributes based on information available only from the store process.


  "cluster_id": "replica-set-name",
  "attributes": {
    "mongodb.com/oplog.size": 1234,
    "mongodb.com/compatibility": "5.0"
Returns detailed information about shards

The following information MUST be included:

  • A list of shards on the node:
    • The shard id.
    • The role of the node for the shard.
    • The (optional) commit_offset of the shard on the node:
      • The commit offset unit.
      • The commit offset value (as a 64-bits integer).
    • The (optional) lag of a secondary from its primary:
      • The lag unit.
      • The lag value (as a 64-bits integer).


  "shards": [{
    "commit_offset": {
      "unit": "seconds",
      "value": 67890
    "lag": {
      "unit": "seconds",
      "value": 33
    "role": "SECONDARY",
    "shard_id": "shard_id"

Actions Endpoints

Request the scheduling of a new action

A JSON body is REQUIRED for this endpoint:

  • args: [optional] arguments passed to the action execution being created.
  • created_time: [optional] time the action execution was first created.
  • id: [optional] unique ID of the action execution.
  • kind: [required] identifier of the action implementation to execute.
  • metadata: [optional] unstructured metadata attached to the action when it was created.

The response will include the following information:

  • id: unique ID of the newly scheduled action.

Example request:

  "kind": "agent.replicante.io/test.success"

Example response:

    "id": "308fb8bc-79a1-49d9-bf71-1191d7d6c5d2"
Returns an action execution details

The following parameters are REQUIRED in the URL:

  • :id: the ID of the action execution to lookup.

The response is a JSON encoded representation of an action execution model detailed above.


  "args": {},
  "created_time": "2019-08-30T20:40:24Z",
  "finished_time": "2019-08-30T20:40:37Z",
  "id": "308fb8bc-79a1-49d9-bf71-1191d7d6c5d2",
  "kind": "agent.replicante.io/test.success",
  "metadata": {},
  "scheduled_time": "2019-08-30T20:40:24Z",
  "state": {
    "error": null,
    "payload": null,
    "phase": "DONE"
Returns a list of finished actions

Actions MUST be listed in order from newest to oldest.

When an action is finished, the agent will never change its state.

Finished actions should be cleaned up periodically to prevent this list from growing too large and the agent state from taking over the node.

A list of finished actions MUST include:

  • The action ID.
  • The action kind.
  • The final action state.


        "kind": "replicante.io/store.stop",
        "id": "703824bf-2c16-44f5-b4da-b21688c57043",
        "phase": "DONE"
        "kind": "replicante.io/store.stop",
        "id": "f4fdda3f-3130-474b-b22c-66c6824a5d89",
        "phase": "DONE"
        "kind": "replicante.io/store.stop",
        "id": "191cc19b-2dee-4013-b908-29c7985f79ac",
        "phase": "DONE"
Returns a list of currently running or queued actions

Actions MUST be listed in order from oldest to newest.

The format of elements in this list is the same as the one of items returned by /api/unstable/actions/finished.


        "kind": "replicante.io/store.stop",
        "id": "703824bf-2c16-44f5-b4da-b21688c57043",
        "phase": "RUNNING"
        "kind": "replicante.io/store.stop",
        "id": "f4fdda3f-3130-474b-b22c-66c6824a5d89",
        "phase": "NEW"
        "kind": "replicante.io/store.stop",
        "id": "191cc19b-2dee-4013-b908-29c7985f79ac",
        "phase": "NEW"