repliadm coordinator

Group of commands to manage the distributed coordinator.
See repliadm coordinator --help for general information.


Show detailed information about a given election.

$ repliadm coordinator election-info [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] --election <ELECTION>


List all registered elections.

$ repliadm coordinator election-list [FLAGS] [OPTIONS]


Force a held lock to be released.

This operation is dangerous!

There should be no reason for a lock to be force-released. The coordinator can automatically release locks for processes that failed.

If you end up needing this command you should open a GitHub issue with the circumstances that led you to it.

$ repliadm coordinator force-release-nonblocking-lock [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] --lock <LOCK>


Show information about a non-blocking lock/

$ repliadm coordinator nonblocking-lock-info [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] --lock <LOCK>


List currently held non-blocking locks.

$ repliadm coordinator nonblocking-lock-list [FLAGS] [OPTIONS]


Force a primary to be re-elected.

This operation is dangerous!

There should be no reason for a primary to be demoted externally. Secondary nodes should automatically pick up the need for a new primary when the current primary fails or is stopped.

Forcing a node to step down may lead to two primary nodes to exist, which they should not.

Chances are that if you end up needing this command you should open a GitHub issue with the circumstances that led you to it.

$ repliadm coordinator step-down-election [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] --election <ELECTION>